The Northern Ireland Assembly is opening up its data for other people to re-use
Transparency isn’t just about access, it is also about sharing and reuse
W3C documentation on Publishing Open Government Data states that:
The quickest and easiest way to make data available on the Internet is to publish the data in its raw form (e.g., an XML file)
The Northern Ireland Assembly has created a number of XML and JSON Web Services to provide easy and transparent access to their data:
The data and information available through are available under terms described in the Open Government Licence.
You are free to:
You must, where you do any of the above:
We are happy to answer any queries you may have about these services, listen to any ideas you may have for improvements or hear how you have implemented our data into your own systems.
We can be contacted by sending an email to or by following us on twitter at @niassembly_aims
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